FADIO offers training activities, resources, and support services in addition to facilitating communities of practice and a network of distance education practitioners and researchers. All of these activities are open to educators from primary school to university and are aimed at both beginners and those who are familiar with distance learning. All aspects of distance learning, whether technical, pedagogical, techno-pedagogical or organizational, are covered. Many of the activities and resources are accessible to all, but some are reserved exclusively for FADIO members.
Do you need training but don’t have the time? Consult our training opportunities, webinars and calendar of events.
Discover a wealth of distance learning resources: tools developed by FADIO, reference guides, testimonials from distance learning practitioners and much more!
Attend one of our events to learn more about distance education and network with other DL stakeholders!
Need support and guidance? Call on our regional support team.
Want to enhance your DL knowledge and skills? Join one of our communities of practice or learning!
Are you passionate about experimenting with new practices or doing research in distance education? Join our network of inter-order practitioners and researchers in distance learning!
For members only.