The network aims to pair practitioners and researchers in order to promote collaboration between inter-order researchers in distance learning. To learn more, please log in to the member access.
Ongoing research
Supporting the transition from in-person learning to distance learning for college teachers: Design and implementation of innovative pedagogical practices in response to the needs of students using digital learning environments (FRQSC, 2020-2023)
Lead researcher :
Marie Alexandre (UQAR)
Co-researchers :
Jean Bernatchez (UQAR), Daniel Labillois (Cegep de la Gaspésie et des Îles)
The VALSE project: Variation in teacher engagement in the context of adaptation to online teaching
Lead researcher :
Séverine Parent (UQAR)
Professor of Educational Technology and Digital Literacy
Collaborator :
Michelle Deschênes (Université Laval)