Representatives from teaching establishments in the Bas-Saint-Laurent and Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine regions will proudly present FADIO’s governance model to European delegates visiting the Cégep de La Pocatière from April 9 to 13, 2018. Visiting from eight major European institutions, establishment executives, teachers, researchers and instructors will come together in La Pocatière to discuss the modernization of educational systems and the impact of integrating digital technology into teaching establishments.
Cégep de La Pocatière and the Erasmus ANGE Project
The Cégep de La Pocatière is a member of the international Erasmus program and a partner of the Erasmus ANGE project. This project is led by an international multidisciplinary team which supports establishments through their digital technology transformations and helps modernize educational systems. The representatives from European teaching establishments will be in La Pocatière for one week to work on digital governance through sharing practices and action research. The FADIO team will also be on-site to present its governance model.
The FADIO Model
FADIO is a unique collaborative governance model in which 18 teaching establishments from the Bas-Saint-Laurent and Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine regions have come together to develop and share their expertise in distance learning and the use of digital technology in an educational context. Eight school boards, five CEGEPS, two national schools, two specialized institutions, and one university have come together under a collaborative arrangement with the intent to share their expertise and counter the demographic decline of their establishments.
The governance model introduced at FADIO generates curiosity and interest from stakeholders in the education sector. Guided by the saying, “you can go faster by yourself, but you can go further together”, stakeholders from member establishments develop and share distance learning courses, guides and training sessions on the use of various technologies and innovative teaching methods. FADIO’s governance model is based on the principles of leveraging new techniques, training, sharing, experimenting, and supporting each other.
This FADIO presentation will increase the organization’s visibility and showcase its members’ expertise.
Mylène Simard, Coordinator
60 Rue de l’Évêché Ouest, Local F310A, Rimouski, Quebec, G5L 4H6
Telephone: 418-723-1880 ext. 2189 mylene.simard@cegep-rimouski.qc.ca